Ask the Expert – Amy Natt
My mom sits all day and watches TV. She watches old shows, and she watches the same ones over and over. It's the same stuff...
Ask the Expert – Amy Natt
My mom was recently placed in a facility, and my dad is struggling with how often he should visit her. She has advanced dementia and...
Ask the Expert (Amy Natt)
My mom is living on her own for the first time in 52 years. She stopped driving about 10 years ago, as my dad always...
Myths: Lactose Intolerance Doesn’t Have to Mean a Dairy Dilemma
Callie Yakubisin, RDN Can you think of someone in your life (maybe it’s you!) who avoids some or all dairy foods because of lactose intolerance?...
ASK THE EXPERT: Medication Regime
Ashley Seace, Care Management Associate – Question: I was recently prescribed a new medication regime. I’m unsure why it’s important for me to stick...
Faith and the Power of Repair
My daughter works in a preschool and recently told me the funniest story.  While outside one morning with the children, they found a snail in...
Ask the Expert: Therapies for Dementia Care
Ashley Seace, Care Management Associate – QUESTION: I am a health care professional and work with a variety of different Dementia patients. I am...
Faith – The Life Edit
Renovations aren’t just for kitchens, bedrooms or backyards; life offers us the opportunity to be remodeled too. Funny, though, that while it’s easy to be...
Ask The Expert…
Question: Recently my husband’s health has changed, and he is going to need to use a walker. Our kids think that means it’s time for...
God, Vulnerability, and Mice … By Chaplain Colette
Are you protected? Well, that question can mean different things over the course of a lifetime, can’t it? As a child it could have meant...