Caregiver Tips August 2024

Many of ONC’s readers are caregivers. We are always exploring ways to support the caregivers in our lives, whether we’re receiving care or providing it....
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Ask the Expert: My dad is missing his cat and I don’t know what to do

Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: My father moved into a long-term care community a few months ago, and he was unable to...
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Ask the Expert: Family Home May 2024

I’ve decided to sell our family home. I know that my kids will be upset, but it doesn’t make financial sense for me to live...
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Ask the Expert: Depression April 2024

Kate Pomplun Ask the Expert: I just read that the highest suicide rate for any age is for adults 85+. This shocked me, and...
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Ask the Expert November 2023

Ask the Expert: Caring for a parent when you have an estranged relationship. Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: My dad and I...
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Ask the Expert October 2023

My parents are going to endless doctor’s appointments. It seems like they have something scheduled every day. I’m worried they’re having unnecessary testing or procedures....
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Ask the Expert: Parents Moving to Town

My parents came to live near us about six months ago, in large part to help out with the grandkids. They’re a huge help, but….they...
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June Ask the Expert 

My mom, who used to pride herself on her cooking, doesn’t want to cook anymore. My dad is complaining about spending so much money eating...
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12 Steps to Help Reduce Falls

Gait is one of the most affected motor characteristics of Parkinson’s disease. While Parkinson’s disease affects each person differently, falls are a common challenge to...
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Ask the Expert: Communicating my religious beliefs with my parents

Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: My parents keep asking us if my wife and I have found a church home in our...
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