PT Balance December 2022

One out of three senior citizens fall each year. Thirty percent of seniors is a big number! Think of your neighbors on each side of your home, both the left and the right. This means that one of the three of you will fall this year.  There are many factors that can influence your balance.…

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Ask the Expert: Understanding my Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis

Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: I recently was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and I don’t really know what to expect. I am fearful of this diagnosis and what all is going to come with the symptoms. How is this going to affect my life? Can you provide me with some insight to…

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Ask the Expert: Mom’s Not Eating

My mom won’t eat any of the food I cook for her. She just got new teeth, and she says it’s hard to chew and she has “lost her taste” for food. I have tried cooking everything and nothing seems to appeal to her. I don’t want her to be hungry, and I’m afraid she’s…

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Letter From Editor Aug 2022

August brings with it the final dog days of summer. As a matter of fact, August 11th is the last of these days, which began July 3rd. We are winding down from the high temperatures and peak humidity. At least that’s the idea. I’m not so sure, as I sit post-storm in what can only…

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Ask the Expert: Managing a Loved One’s Chronic Pain

Ashley Seace, Care Management Associate – Question: My mom is in her mid-60s and lives with my husband and me. She suffers with fibromyalgia, which she’s had most of her life. She is sometimes very cranky and tired. It’s hard for us to be around someone who is so often in a bad mood,…

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Ask the Expert: The Care Decision

Ashley Seace, Care Management Associate – Question: I have noticed that my parent is starting to exhibit a noticeable decline both physically and cognitively. I’m not sure how to proceed. What are some things to look for while deciding what I should do about their care; can you advise? Answer: This is an important…

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Ask the Expert – Amy Natt

My mom sits all day and watches TV. She watches old shows, and she watches the same ones over and over. It’s the same stuff all day. She won’t watch anything new. She does that or sits on her phone and plays games. I can’t get her to go out or do anything else. And…

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Ask the Expert – Amy Natt

My mom was recently placed in a facility, and my dad is struggling with how often he should visit her. She has advanced dementia and often does not realize where she is. When he goes to visit, she begs him to take her home. It’s very hard on both of them. What do you suggest?…

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Ask the Expert (Amy Natt)

My mom is living on her own for the first time in 52 years. She stopped driving about 10 years ago, as my dad always did the driving. My brother and I both live out of town and are looking for suggestions for transportation. There are several options for transportation; some offer more benefits than…

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