Ask the Expert: Family Home May 2024

I’ve decided to sell our family home. I know that my kids will be upset, but it doesn’t make financial sense for me to live there, and I don’t want to worry about things like a leaking roof or whether the hot water heater is going to go out. My husband died a few years…

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Ask the Expert: Depression April 2024

Kate Pomplun Ask the Expert: I just read that the highest suicide rate for any age is for adults 85+. This shocked me, and I’ve been spending more time visiting with my mother, who is now 92. I see signs of depression in my mom like avoiding socializing and sleeping all the time. I…

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Ask the Expert November 2023

Ask the Expert: Caring for a parent when you have an estranged relationship. Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: My dad and I haven’t had the closest relationship over the years. He wasn’t there for most of my childhood. We’re okay now, but he’s getting sick and needs surgery. He wants me to…

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Ask the Expert October 2023

My parents are going to endless doctor’s appointments. It seems like they have something scheduled every day. I’m worried they’re having unnecessary testing or procedures. I feel like they’re in good health, but It’s hard to keep track of all the different specialists they see. I’m not sure they need them all? It is great…

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Ask the Expert: Parents Moving to Town

My parents came to live near us about six months ago, in large part to help out with the grandkids. They’re a huge help, but….they don’t parent the same way my husband and I parent. They’re a little more “old school” in terms of discipline. How can I address this without seeming like I don’t…

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June Ask the Expert 

My mom, who used to pride herself on her cooking, doesn’t want to cook anymore. My dad is complaining about spending so much money eating out, and we’re worried about their health. All this packaged and pre-made food isn’t healthy. Still, I feel like my mom spent her life cooking and shouldn’t have to keep…

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12 Steps to Help Reduce Falls

Gait is one of the most affected motor characteristics of Parkinson’s disease. While Parkinson’s disease affects each person differently, falls are a common challenge to address. Sometimes your mind moves faster than your legs, and you may have already mentally turned the corner while your foot is trying to keep up. The Parkinsonian gait is…

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Ask the Expert: Communicating my religious beliefs with my parents

Ashley Seace, AOS Care Manager – Question: My parents keep asking us if my wife and I have found a church home in our new city. To be honest, neither my wife nor I want to go to church. We just don’t feel comfortable, but I feel somehow ashamed or nervous to explain it…

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February 2023 ATE

February Ask the Expert My neighbor is an older gentleman, perhaps in his 80s or 90s. He is in great shape and does all his own yardwork, but sometimes, I see that he’s a little off balance or needs to stop and rest. I worry about him and his ability to keep up, but I…

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Care PARTner Health Tips

Care PARTner Health Tips  Being healthy is MORE than what you put on your plate. Abbe Simon, M.A, CCC-SLP, IHC When you became a care PARTner, did you receive piles of pamphlets, lectures from friends, or spend time researching how to improve the life of the person for whom you are caring? Did all the…

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