I’m a Successful Caregiver

Helpful Tips for Caregivers

“I love making a difference in someone’s life, and caring is what I do best.”

These are the ways I make the best first impression with my clients and their families:

  • Show up on time, and make sure I have the directions ahead of time.
  • Dress like a professional (I ask my client what they prefer I wear).
  • Act like a professional, and use my best judgement to provide the best care.
  • Keep personal business personal. My clients have enough to worry about already.Senior-Home-Health-Care-NC
  • Limit cell phone use. My client is paying for my attention and service, not to watch me texting or playing games.
  • Be prepared. If I have a new client, I review the information ahead of time and ask questions if I am not sure about something.
  • If my client resides in a facility, I make sure to ask if that facility has any specific guidelines I will need to follow.
  • Identify my point person for communication or questions that arise. If my client cannot answer all of my questions, I know who I can follow up with.
  • Always make sure the client shift is covered, and I know what shifts I am responsible for. If it looks like my client needs coverage, I follow-up to make sure it is covered.
  • If I have another Caregiver cover my shift, I make sure the client/family member is aware and has given permission.
  • don’t bring my children or pets to work; you never know when an emergency could occur.
  • I am patient and kind, even when it is a challenge! Caring is what I do best!